Dubim, the bears – the Bern youth group
The youth group regularly meets for joint activities such as handicrafts, cinema evenings, bowling, ice skating, barbecuing in the woods or playing in the park. Several special events occur during the year. At the beginning of the summer holidays there is a Dubim-Machane (camp) and during the winter holidays there is a Machane together with the youth groups of Basel and Zurich. The annual summer festival is an event planned by the Dubim for the entire community.
The programs take place at least three times a month, and at least once a month on a Shabbat. The programs are also related to Jewish topics and are designed in such a way that religious children and young people can also take part.
Over time, the members of Dubim learn to take on responsibility so that when they are old enough, they can help out as madrichim with the organisation.